Jeffrey Jupp's TUPE resource

June 29, 2015
by Jeffrey

Jakowlew v Nestor Primecare Services EAT – 16 June 2015

Can the client in a Reg 3(1)(b) Service Provision Change determine who is assigned to the organised grouping?    In Robert Sage t/a Prestige Nursing v O’Connell the EAT had held that the issue is to be determined by asking the question:  … Continue reading

December 22, 2014
by Jeffrey

London Borough of Hillingdon v Gormanley EAT – 19 December 2014

In service provision change cases once an organised grouping of employees is established, the next issue is to determine whether the claimant employee is assigned to that organised grouping (a pre requisite to liabilities transferring under Reg 4). This case … Continue reading